Igniting Innovation in Health & Social Impact Sectors

Why Cedar Courage?

It started with a crazy conversation – why not just build your own kayak?

I was in the market for a new kayak and thought woodworking could be an interesting hobby, so why not? Years later, and now an avid woodworker, I encourage newcomers to start with a cutting board!

It wasn’t just the lack of woodworking experience that made this adventure so daunting, it was the lack of
project management experience! Materials, tools, venue, planning, expertise, budget - these were critical components which I had hardly considered. Facing all the reasons I should throw up my hands and quit - I committed. I bought the 20-foot-long cedar boards and kept repeating my mantra until it was complete: The answer to how? is YES!

Four months, 350+ working hours, innumerable cuts and scrapes, and a budget projection that still makes me laugh, I had finished my project. I named it Cedar Courage.

Courage is forged in the decision to do what’s right, often what’s hard, regardless of … (budget, perceived capacity, timing, lack of a plan, fear of change, etc.)

I have since paddled over 2000 kms across Ontario and Quebec in Cedar Courage – time enough to reflect on stunning landscapes, and the value of executing and delivering on big ideas. How to take a conversation, hone it into a vision, build a plan, and deliver.

I have taken these lessons and applied them to my professional career in the health and social impact sectors - now I want to bring them to you. Just by showing up you and your team demonstrate courage everyday, so let’s work together on that vision and plan to achieve your next big goal!


Kayaker, woodworker, and committed conversation starter. I have spent the last decade of my professional life tackling big ideas in the health and social impact sectors - can I help you with yours?

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I do not know all the answers (did I just commit the biggest consulting error there is!?). Instead of being a know-it-all, I’m a committed learn-it-all! I have spent a career in progressive leadership roles that have given me the ability to see connections, barriers, and opportunities.

In this blog I share ideas and reflections as conversation starters. These topics reflect my thinking on systems, leadership, and big ideas I find exciting. I share these in the hopes that they may resonate with other learn-it-all’s out there!

Working in health and social services can feel heavy sometimes, but I believe we can build a better system. Change happens, in fact it happens all the time, but the only way to make big changes happen is together.

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Strategic Planning

You can’t start without a plan - okay, maybe you can but it is infinitely harder! Let me help you turn conversations into a vision for the future!

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Supported Decision Making

Things are changing and fast! You need a report, audit, or feasibility study to help make your next decision but it doesn’t exist yet! Let me do the research, report writing, or facilitated brainstorming you need to answer those difficult questions: “why now? what next? who with? How?”

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Project Management

Project management is the answer to “How?”. Don’t let “how?” get in the way of initiating and delivering on your big ideas. Let my project management expertise help you execute on your vision.

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Awareness Campaigns

Did you know!? An awareness campaign is so much more than a comms activity. It sits at the intersection of strategic partnership, government relations, advocacy, research, service delivery, and sustainability planning. Don’t forget message corruption risk management!

Are you ready to maximize the impact of your awareness campaign beyond tracking your social media reach?

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